Search Results
Brendan Fong: "Welcome to Topos"
Brendan Fong: A categorical introduction to profunctor optics, Part 1.
Brendan Fong: Supplying Bells and Whistles in Symmetric Monoidal Categories, Part 1
[3S2] Tutorial: Tambara Modules (Brendan Fong)
David Spivak: "Cultivating Strategies"
Tobias Fritz: The law of large numbers in categorical probability
Emily Riehl - A Taste of Formal Category Theory - (feb 2021)
Topos: How Artificial Intelligence Will Create Microneighborhoods | Inverse
Topoi 1: Predicates vs. subsets
The Logan Symposium - Dec 5th - Gerard Alberts & Ruth Oldenziel
Prof. Dr. Ruth Oldenziel on "Century of Cycling"
From Military to Billion Dollar Real Estate Agent with Dan Lesniak